Pay Assist Module for Hourly and Daily Rate Staff Pay Runs
Our pay assist module is perfect for companies with hourly or daily rate workers. It allows you to capture both time worked and expenses incurred.
Self Billing
Timesheet Portal will generate supplier invoices for you, whether you work with independent contractors or umbrella agencies. Reduce the friction and pay faster, with minimal effort.
Invoices can be generated per contractor, or as a consolidated invoice with multiple contractors sent to umbrella providers.
They are then easily exportable directly into your favourite accounting packages.
Take it a step further and digitally sign the documents using our integration with Legalesign.
Holiday Accrual and Holiday Pay
Manage holiday accruals for varying-hour contracts within Timesheet Portal. We provide an easy way to quickly view your worker's available balance, request pay, holiday accrual and carryover.
Whether you want to accrue holidays in time units or as a monetary balance, Timesheet Portal can help. Approved holiday pay can be exported into payruns and directly to your payroll software.
![Pay Assist Holiday Accrual And Pay[1]](/media/njdnrwqv/pay-assist-holiday-accrual-and-pay-1.jpg)