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New Design to Timesheets

Author: Eugenija Steponkute
Published: 05/10/2022
new timesheet design

After releasing one of our biggest cosmetic updates, the new interface, we continue working on the overall look and feel of the platform. Our next stop is the most vital element of Timesheet Portal, the hint is in the name. As our next step in modernising the software, we have revamped the design of our timesheets, giving it a more streamlined and modern layout. 

While the change is nowhere near as drastic as that of updating the whole look of the software, we still believe this may catch some users by surprise. Hence we are making this announcement, to make sure not only you get the heads up, but also spread the message within your team. And, as ever, don’t shy away from giving us feedback if the new look isn’t up to your preference. We are as receptive to your opinion as ever. 

So, What’s the Change?

As stated previously, this is not a major update. The main change implemented is the overall cleanup of the workspace. The colours have been adjusted to blend better into the entirety of the system and the categorisation of tasks/placements has been slightly shifted around for overall better useability. 

Since the positioning of several buttons has been changed, we anticipate some users may not find them right away. Namely, the button to add an attachment. This can now be done in a separate Attachments tab, where the user can either upload the file manually or drag and drop it into the section. 

Be Part of Future Developments

At Timesheet Portal, we are always looking for ways to give our clients as much value as we can. All of our updates and changes begin with you. Therefore, if you have any complaints, suggestions or would just like to provide feedback - we are waiting to hear from you.

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