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Building a Hybrid Project Team

Author: Eugenija Steponkute
Published: 13/02/2024

The topic we will be exploring today is how to build a hybrid project team.  Whether you are using your full-time salaried employees or outsourcing, this guide will point you in the right direction.

A strong team is an absolute necessity to deliver high-quality projects and to ensure the smoothness of the process. However, building the said team has always been among the biggest challenges. With the world shifting towards a hybrid approach, there are new hoops to jump through. On the other hand, a well-built hybrid project team will deliver the quality you wouldn’t otherwise be able to achieve. Naturally, there is a different approach to building a hybrid team from that of a traditional one, and we will help you navigate it. 

In this article, we will be covering the key preparation works before you even start hiring people for your team. Because the foundation of the hybrid project team is ultimately your formula to success. The key difference between setting up a traditional project team and a hybrid one lies in the preparations required. 

Is Hybrid Working Truly Efficient?

The most commonly heard answer is yes, with plenty of data across different industries to back it up. However, when there’s a lot of evidence and supporting numbers, it’s very easy to forget each business is different. Therefore whether hybrid working is truly effective is the answer you must come up with yourself. 

We personally believe it’s a great approach suitable to many companies and can elevate their performance when executed right. On the other hand, there are occasion exceptions, mostly observed in industries that are mostly customer-facing (eg hospitality). If you have a back-office, however, we believe hybrid working is the way forward. Even if it requires optimisation. 

Address the Elephant in the Room

Instead of wasting time on smaller, less significant matters, let’s jump straight into the thick of it. When building a hybrid project team, the best approach is to address the biggest and most outstanding issues. There are two of them: gathering the right people and building the right environment.

Define the Required Skillsets

You will, most likely, have the scope of the project a while before you start looking into building the team. Instead of haphazardly inviting people you assume will be needed, look at the specific challenges you are likely to face. This will give you a rough indicator of what skills will be needed to ensure the project runs smoothly. Then compare it to the workers you have within your company and who fits the bill.

Don’t shy away from inviting someone who has the skill but not the job title to your project team. At the end of the day, it’s the final result that matters, and sometimes this means thinking outside the box. Additionally, it’s perfectly fine if no one in your company has the expertise you need. Hybrid project teams are perfect for outsourcing workers. The model gives you access to a wider talent pool that isn’t restricted by the location. As long as you give them the right tools of communication, that is. Which is our next section.

Establish Communication Early On

And by that, we don’t mean solely arming everyone with an email and an instant messenger. In project management, communication also overlaps with collaboration, meaning your teams will need common grounds to work on even when they are based in different locations. Thankfully, there are now plenty of tools that only need internet access to support real-time collaborations. You should get some of them before the project.

It’s also important to come up with a strategy to build some team alignment on a personal level. People who like each other are bound to work better together, so think of some bonding experiences that could occur remotely. If possible, we strongly encourage holding a full in-person activity. Setting a mutual goal for your team will work wonders too. While technology is enough to bridge the physical distance, building real human relationships is what brings project teams true success. 

Build the Foundation

With the big factors out of your way, this is time to start building the foundation of your team. Or rather the grounds on which it will operate. It mostly covers the regulations for hybrid working and flexitime, as well as the means of collaboration. 

The Optimal Flexibility 

Hybrid entails a lot of flexibility, but the line between freedom driving efficiency and stubbing it is very thin. To make sure you stay on the right side of it, you need clear rules defining where the boundaries are. For example, you need to give a definite minimum number of days each member needs to be physically present in the office. Or, if you’re offering flexible hours, define the timeframe for them to ensure you don’t end up understaffed. 

Ideally, you should have these rules drafted before you start building your team. This way you will pick the individuals who are happy with the setup as it is. Or, you can work with your newly built team to find an arrangement everyone is pleased with. Keep in mind, however, that is likely to be a whole lot more challenging but, possibly, bear better results. The approach you choose is up to you and the people on your team. 

Document Sharing and Reporting

Every project requires some extent of document sharing for your team to have visibility of one another’s progress. Additionally, it helps them collaborate and potentially share their progress directly with the client. A document-sharing platform is also great for onboarding team members in a hybrid environment. Namely, because it’s completely hands-off and will automatically store their documentation on your server. 

Most digital tools offer that feature, as well as another crucial component: reporting. We don’t need to explain why the latter matters. What we are getting with this is that every company and sometimes stand-alone projects will need different digital platforms to aid them. However, there are two features you want them to have: collaboration options and reporting. The latter is especially important. Ideally, you should have your digital stack built before you start onboarding your hybrid project team. 

Is It Worth the Hassle?

No one can be expected to follow the rules that aren’t clear. This includes your hybrid work policy. While it is never difficult in principle, some companies overcomplicate things. We are to help you make sure you’re not one of them. 

V Benefits of a Hybrid Project Team

The key benefit of having a hybrid project team is the fact you can dab into a much wider talent pool. The ability to provide remote working is crucial when outsourcing workers. This is a more logical approach than hiring someone full-time if you only need a specific skillset for one project. This became one of the key requirements since the pandemic, even if it’s over now. You will learn there aren’t many freelancers willing to commute into the office daily. 

Another big factor suggesting hybrid project teams are great is the fact they help you save money in more than one way. For example, you can downsize your office if you don’t have everyone present at all times. This spreads into other office-related bills too, such as utilities, toiletries, and even a water cooler supply. Finally, hybrid workers are known to be more efficient for the simple reason of being able to reach a work-life balance. Plus, the ability to choose one’s work environment can truly work miracles. In other words, we are firm believers that while building a hybrid project team isn’t easy, it’s worth the effort. 


Building a hybrid project is not an easy task. There are many preparations needed before you can start hiring people. Namely, you need to understand what kind of skills will be required to deliver the project. However, this is not to be mistaken for work titles that normally entail such skills - think outside the box and focus on actual people. Secondly, hybrid teams need a variety of tools to run efficiently. Before you bring people on board, you will need to ensure they have the right environment to function.

And then, you will need a set of rules to keep things running smoothly. Focus on finding the best schedule for your team in terms of remote and on-site working, as well as time flexibility. Finally, stay diligent when it comes to team collaboration and reporting as both are the foundation of a successful hybrid team. We understand this is a lot, but we are also convinced all the effort pays off big time in the long run. 

Are you ready to start building your hybrid project team? Trust us to assist you.

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