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Details of our upcoming new interface design release

Author: Hannah Francis
Published: 31/05/2023
New design release details

We are currently going through a revamp with a brand new user interface to provide you with a simpler and easier to use interface.

Our new design is more responsive, in other words it adapts to smaller screens better, and a more accessible design. The concepts seen on these pages will slowly be applied to the rest of our site over time, so watch this space!

We have started this new layout on our Client Invoicing, Self Billing, amendments, email tool and Client pages. You will see the invoice page has been redesigned to look more user friendly and you can also open and collapsible sections, to view the audit and the more details of the invoice.

Here is an example of the new layout:


We have hidden certain less required fields in the invoice which can be viewed by clicking on "More details" and we also have a "show audit" button to show the full invoice audit. 

The Timesheet Management page has also been updated with an edit option rather than view/edit, You can click the edit to edit the timesheet or click on the line if you want to view the timesheet. 

Please note: if you have an invoice or self bill linked to your timesheet you will not be able to click the edit icon to open the timesheet as technically you ca not edit the timeshet as an invoice/self bill is linked. You will need to click on the line of the timesheet to view the timesheet.

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