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Upcoming Timesheet Control Changes

Author: Eugenija Steponkute
Published: 19/11/2020
timesheet control changes

We’re pleased to inform you about some upcoming changes to our timesheet control, due to be released on 10th December. You may have already noticed the subtle changes from our first phase of changes. Truth be told, although we are introducing changes relatively slowly and one-by-one not to disrupt your workflows, we are working around the clock to improve your experience on our platform.

The next set of changes is not as subtle. We are therefore writing this update to provide some information on how the control is changing. Understandably, we don’t expect everyone to love the change; in fact, we would like to know if you are unhappy with it. All of our updates are carried out in regard to the wishes of our audience, so your feedback can influence the further development of Timesheet Portal. 

What Are the Changes?

Here are the key differences you should expect to find:

  • Instead of having to click on View -> Notes, we now have a dedicated tab to view all notes for a timesheet. You can also use this tab to enter all your notes at once, rather than having to click on each timesheet entry;

  • Attachments have been moved into their own tab, rather than showing at the bottom of the timesheet. This keeps the interface looking cleaner;

  • The timesheet history has been moved into its own tab, so you no longer need to click on View->Log

The new tabs structure is easily located in the top left section of the timesheet. These changes apply to the desktop only, and the mobile site remains the same.

Be Part of Future Developments

At Timesheet Portal, we are always looking for ways to give our clients as much value as we can. All of our updates and changes begin with you. Therefore, if you have any complaints, suggestions or would just like to provide feedback - we are waiting to hear from you.

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